21 November 2010

My first painting in 2010

My first painting in 2010 - in an almost ending year.
I have just tried to draw a tree with almost 4 color shades (Dark green, light green, yellow & white )
When comes to background effects, Skyblue shades & clouds took me much time to draw.
and i have tried water shade effect. May be it is difficult you to recognise... but i tried my best to show that effect...

I have used Acrylic paints to paint this Art. & i took half an hour to draw this One ..
Intially when i completed this painting, the Art looks like this.. but once it was dry ....it looks descent ...
as like the below one....

May be every one tried like this paintings in school days....I recommend you to try after Schools days & college days ..

Note: I'm not an Artist or painter. Just has a feeling to draw when i'm free...

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