10 November 2010

Found error in windows !!!

error!!! Microsoft windows - Calculator 

When i opened calculator (Windows logo + R --> opens Run) type "calc" without quotes.

Try doing all these :

- sqrt of 4 = 2 then, subtract result from 2. ( step1:  srqt(4) = 2 -->  step2:   2-2 = -1.068********* )
   The result should be 0. but problem with simple calc coding ? even calc code cant do properly by Microsoft.
   How can it do other big big softwares and OS's.

- sqrt of 9 =3 then, subtract result from 3. (step1: sqrt(9) = 3 --> step2: 3-3 =   1.121*********)
       # Every perfect square, after doing sqrt & subtracting from that result gives wrong solution.

NEVER TRUST ANY OS. Even they cant do calc programming properly & they say that windows has fully secured coding especially i windows7. I wont believe this.. Prefer using Linux, unix, bactrack, knopixx, ubuntu etcc... *NIX operating systems..

This is not to pointout any company that you are wrong... but this is just a suggestion. Please test well before releasing a product.  

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